Selected exhibitions

A selection of solo and collective exhibitions .

Solo Exhibitions

La strada and Dominic Sebag Montefiore | The house of Peroni
London 2013

DRC Vittime di una Guerra senza fine Exhibition
organized by UNICEF Italia
Naples 2009

Lost Angels: la metropoli dei senzatetto | Fnac
Verona 2009

Lost Angels: la metropoli dei senzatetto | Fnac
Naples 2009

Lost Angels: la metropoli dei senzatetto | Fnac
Rome 2008

Lost Angels: la metropoli dei senzatetto | Fnac
Milan 2007

Lost Angels: la metropoli dei senzatetto | Fnac
Genoa 2007

Lost Angels: la metropoli dei senzatetto | Fnac
Turin 2007

Lost Angels | Fotonoviembre, Photography biennial
Isla de Tenerife 2005

Lost Angels | Visioni prospettiche – DErive METROPOLItane
Photography and contemporary art festival of Biella 2005

Lost Angels | Aesthetics 2004 at The Perfect Exposure Gallery
Los Angeles 2004

Venice Beach | Foto and Photo
Cesano Maderno 2004

Collective Exhibitions

Capolavori di Storia della fotografia
Pordenone 2014

Sguardi su un paese in crisi | CiternaFotografia
Citerna 2012

67th Venice International Film Festival
Venice 2011

IV Festival for still photographers
Rome 2011

Sguardi sull’Africa | organized by CRAF
San Vito al Tagliamento 2010

12th national competition for backstage photographers | Casa del cinema
Rome 2009

Lost Angels – Evening projection | Visa pour l’Image
Perpignan, France 2005

The society of the citizens of Pozzallo | West Chelsae Art Building
New York 2000